Monday, March 27, 2006

Putt-Putt Paradise

So for Ben's bday he wanted to play putt-putt. I told my sister that and she put her hand in the shape of an "L" to her forehead. My sister got me sick, the sickness really started on Ben's bday last Thursday. Since then I've felt like shit and haven't gotten any better. It's just a bad cold, but gross, I walk around with a box of kleenex. So I was going to cook for him but was too ill on the actual day. I left him 3 presents waiting at his house for him when he got home on the day and the 2 days before. He asked if it was his birthday or the 12 days of Hannakah. Haha. I love suprises, that was where my thinking came in.
So to celebrate the continued celebration on Saturday he dragged me to a miniature golf course in Monroe with my kleenex dragging along! I haven't played putt-putt since I was young. We played 18 holes, it was a great time. I got 2 holes in one! I was doing fantastically better than him for most of the game until I got all overconfidant and said, "I think I've found my hidden talent!". Immediately afterward my game went str8 down and I added like 5 strokes every time I got close to the hole. I also eventually shot my ball into the little river/falls on the course. Haha, I was sure he would be the one to do that, he shot his ball off the course several times. Ben won by like 3 strokes. Then we went to the mall and he let me pick out some clothes for him! Woo-hoo. This is the boy who swore he'd never come to the mall with me. I made him try on this punk-rock kinda shirt that looked awesome but was obviously so-not-his-style and he was going to get it for my sake but it was too pricey. So instead charcoal pants, a bright blue button up shirt, and a tan shirt with almost nonexistent stripes. I love clothes a lot these days. I don't know what clicked in me.
The night ended with dinner at the Olive Garden. I had a glass of white wine, I love italian food. It was delicious and I had some minestrone which helped my throat. MMMMMMMMM! I LOVE ITALIAN! Great night, great weekend, great boy. I love celebrating bdays! For mine my nerdy activity has to be a bunch of board games and card games and video games! That's my idea of a slice of heaven!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Clean bill of health

So lately I've been getting lots of "maintenance" things done on myself to make sure me and all my parts are healthy. I've been going to a dermatologist, I have a dentist appointment, I ordered my contacts, and I went to the gynecologist (sorry to gross anyone out). Considering the fact that the woman I was named after died of overian or uterine cancer it's kind of important. And I haven't been to one in like 6 years.
First, I had to find a woman. Most of the ppl I know go to men. So I quietly inquired till I found one. I went, I got tested for everything and she was very warm and easy to talk to. I asked her if most women didn't come regularly and she said most women came to her when they were pregnant and then never came again. I asked her how bad menopause is bc my mom is getting to that age and I want to know what to expect. She said most women don't have real bad hot flashes or reactions but alot never care if they have sex again after. Kinda weird to talk about my mom in reference to that but the whole experience is very interesting to me. I mean men go through a kind of menopause themselves but for women it can be a very hard/very transitional experience. Anyway, enough of all that. I don't have any sort of cancer and I'm happy!