Friday, February 03, 2006

Lunch time fire

I'm at his house eating lunch and I go to wash my bowl in the sink. He starts kissing me and shoves me up against the wall and spends the next 15-20 minutes not letting me move as he.......stays shoved up against the wall, me saying "you'll be late getting back to work". We end the lunch date with him saying he needed to give me something that would make me want to come back for more. Haha. Yes, things with me and the "boy" (because I can call him that, he is 2 years my junior) tend to get pretty heated. For someone so......."innocent" he sure knows what he is doing when he touches me, kisses me.

Obviously we've all had enough of that kind of talk. Suffice to say I'm having a great time with Benjamin. He's very easy to be with, around, etc. We watch alot of movies and talk alot about important things and stupid things and childhood. He wishes he could fly and wanted to be a pilot when he was little. He doesn't own a television and his house seems pretty simple. We're going bowling tomorrow with my friend B and Jaydan (my best friend!). I'm thinking about taking him out to brunch at this restaurant on Sunday and getting slightly tipsy on mimosas. The best thing about me and Benjamin is the fact that I feel very at ease with him. I want to think of a thousand things for us to do together and I'm rarely intimidated by him. We kinda just are together. So till next time folks I'll try to think of something more interesting than my love life to discuss.


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